Top 10 Bright Sides of the Corona Virus Attack

Top 10 Bright Sides of the Corona Virus Attack
March 22, 2020 No Comments Blog, Transformation Coaching Neeraj Singhvi

While the world is looking at the affects of the Covid-19 attack, let us give you a cheerful side of all this. The governments are locking down cities, towns and villages to contain this outbreak and in this milieu, families will come together once again.

Look at the top 10 bright sides of the Corona virus attack:

1. People for once are together again. There is no caste, creed, religion talks. Everyone is talking in unison.

2. The city’s pollution level is at the lowest levels. It will help us improve our immune system.

3. You can look at breathing fresh air. Fresh air will boost energy within you.

4. Families are together at home and can enjoy together, whether both folks are working or not.

5. Time is something people lost track of. Now they understand the importance of it. Do whatever you have dreamed of, today.

6. For once the entire nation will thank people who are providing service to the nation in different forms. It will boost the morale of all the people in the service of the nation.

7. Crimes are at an all time low. The only thing important to anyone is Corona.

8. Even though terrorists are trained to blow themselves up, they are afraid of this one too.

9. We can relish nature as never before.

10. We can now establish contacts with long lost friends.

Other than what affects us, look at this.

Chirping of birds have replaced the din of a city. There are more birds now than ever before.
The temperature has dipped by at least 3 degrees centigrade. Clear bluish sky replaced the usual grey hues. Nature is getting back to work.
One day of pollution control from plastics. Imagine 100’s of tons of plastic not being dumped into the city dumps and saving the earth from it.

Can we ever think about this happening in our everyday course of life?

The top 10 bright sides of the Corona Virus attack will surely help you understand that every adversity has a silver lining to it. Let us work towards creating happiness in these taxing times. Let us reduce stress levels and increase the happiness index to counter the effects and to do this it requires transformation and changes within oneself.

If you are wanting to know about whether we can fight this disease now, read this.

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